Employment, record numbers in June 2022


In June 2022, after the decline recorded in May, the number of employees returned to increase, due to the growth of permanent employees, exceeding again 23 million.

Compared to June 2021, the increase of over 400.000 employees is determined by the employees who, in June 2022, amounted to 18.100.000, the highest value since 1977, the first year of the time series.

The employment rate rises to 60.1% (record value since 1977), the unemployment rate is stable at 8.1% and the inactivity rate drops to 34.5%.

In particular, the Istat analysis showa that in June 2022, compared to the previous month, the number of employed increased and the number of unemployed and inactive decreased.

Employment increases (+0.4%, or +86.000) for both sexes, for permanent employees and in all age groups, with the exception of the 35–49-year-olds, among whom it decreases; moreover, the self-employed and temporary employees decrease. The employment rate rises to 60.1% (+0.2 points).

The slight decrease in the number of people looking for work (-0.2%, equal to -4.000 compared to May) is observed among women and those over 25 years of age. The unemployment rate is stable at 8.1% and rises to 23.1% among young people (+1.7 points).

The decrease in the number of inactive people between 15 and 64 years (-0.7%, equal to -91.000 units) involves men and women and the age groups under 50 years. The inactivity rate drops to 34.5% (-0.2 points).

Comparing the second quarter of 2022 with the first, there is an increase in the level of employment of 0.4%, for a total of 90.000 more employees.

The growth in employment recorded in the quarterly comparison is associated with the decrease both of job seekers (-3.8%, equal to -81.000 units), and of the inactive (-0.5%, equal to -61.000 units).

The number of employees in June 2022 exceeds that of June 2021 by 1.8% (+400.000 units); the increase is transversal by gender and age. The only negative change is recorded between 35 and 49 years of age, because of demographic dynamics; the employment rate, increasing by 1.6 percentage points, in fact also rises among 35-49 years old (+0.9 points) because, in this age group, the decline in the number of people employed is less marked than that of the total population.

Compared to June 2021, the number of people looking for work decreases (-13.7%, equal to 321.000 units) and the number of inactive people between 15 and 64 years (-3.0%, equal to 400.000).