Conference on the future of Europe: launch of the multilingual digital platform


The Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe yesterday launched the multilingual digital platform for the Conference on the Future of Europe, inviting all EU citizens to contribute to shaping their own future and that of Europe. The platform, available in 24 languages, will allow the sharing and exchange of ideas and opinions between citizens across the Union in online events. In the intentions of the promoters, the conference on the future of Europe is an unprecedented debate, an open and inclusive form of deliberative democracy. Its aim is to give citizens from all walks of life across Europe a better opportunity to express their expectations about the European Union, so that these expectations influence the future direction of the EU and its policy. The Joint Presidency undertakes to follow up the conclusions of the Conference. People from all walks of life, as many as possible, are encouraged to contribute through the platform to shape their future, but also to promote the platform on social networks with the hashtag #TheFutureIsYours.

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