Confcommercio data: the price increase slows down in August, while social unrest goes down

Carrello spesa

The data of the Misery index Confcommercio (Mic) of August, the index that measures social unrest, has been attested on a value of 16.6, going down of nine tenths of a point compared to the previous month. According to the Confcommercio Office Studies, "the downsizing is attributable to a more contained dynamics of the prices of goods and services to high purchase frequency that in August recorded a variation, on an annual basis, of 7.7% against 8.7% of the previous month. This development is attributable to the sharp fall in fuel prices (-8.9%).

In August 2022, although the official unemployment rate reported a further decline to 7.8% (a tenth of a point lower than in July), signs of a worsening of the labour market consolidated. The figure is a synthesis of a reduction in employment (-74.000 compared to July) and the number of people looking for work (-31.000 in economic terms). This evolution has been associated with a growth of the inactive (+91.000 units in July).

In August, the prices of goods and services with high purchase frequency showed a trend change of 7.7%, slower than 8.7% the previous month, reflecting the sharp decrease in fuel prices. " The first estimates of September indicate a return to more sustained dynamics driven by a progressive increase in food prices" stresses the Studies Office. "In view of the negative signs that are beginning to appear on the employment side, which are expected to deteriorate as a result of an increasingly likely slowdown in the economy and still high inflationary dynamics, fears of a possible expansion of the area of social unrest in the coming months are being consolidated".