From CDP and Intesa Sanpaolo 20 billion for enterprise networks and production chains in the agrifood sector

Reti d’impresa, filiere produttive e ricerca nel settore agroalimentare

An agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, CDP and Intesa Sanpaolo bank to promote credit policies and synergies for the development of the agricultural and agrifood sector has been reached. Intesa Sanpaolo bank will make available 20 billion euros for the relaunch of Italian agriculture, also using the funding guaranteed by CDP, as part of the 410 billion euros credit ceiling in support of the PNRR initiatives.

The primary objective of the agreement is to identify investment programmes for the enhancement and development of Italian production chains, research, experimentation, technological innovation and product enhancement, energy saving, circular economy and animal welfare measures, the internationalisation of agricultural enterprises, and support for expansion in foreign markets, generational turnover in agriculture, business networks, digitisation and e-commerce, support for the younger generations starting up new business activities in agriculture or developing existing ones, and, finally, access to facilitation initiatives for the sector, in particular under the PNRR and the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC).

An intervention will also be drawn up aimed at a more efficient stock management of products characterised by long maturation, promoting the improvement of the financial position of businesses.

Intesa Sanpaolo can count on the specialised professionalism of the Banca dei Territori Division, through the Agribusiness Department which operates with a network of approximately 250 operating points, of which 88 dedicated branches, and over 1000 professionals serving over 84,000 customers.