CAP, the EU greenlights 35 billion euros for the Italian agriculture


The European Commission has formally adopted the agreement on the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP), thus giving the green light to Italy’s National Strategic Plan on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); this will guarantee farmers and rural areas of the country a support of over 35 billion euros (current prices) from 2023 to 2027, including European and national contributions. In particular, the EU budget will contribute for 26.6 billion euros, while the national budget will guarantee other 8.5 billion euros.

672 millions of CAP aid will go to young farmers, almost 3 billion to environmental measures in rural development plans, 4.4 billion to direct payments for eco-friendly practices, 413 million to participatory local development projects (Leader), 1.8 billion in additional support for smaller farms. The Plan also promotes the promotion and sharing of knowledge, innovation, and digitisation, reserving about 2.2 billion euros for actions aimed at this goal.

Italy will use over 518 million to promote integrated agriculture systems on 2.14 million hectares to reduce water, soil and air pollution.

2.64 billions are earmarked for sectors considered strategic such as durum wheat, buffalo milk or industrial tomatoes to improve their competitiveness and the quality and sustainability of production.
