Bio-economics, Europe’s plan.


An economy that is increasingly in tune with the environment and sustainable development is no longer just a need for survival on the planet, but also a great economic and employment opportunity that the European Union intends to exploit through an intensive awareness-raising campaign. of member countries.

On October 11th “A sustainable Bio-economy for Europe: Strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment” was published. The document updates the European Commission's strategy for the bio-economy in order to boost employment, growth and investments within the EU. In the press conference presenting the plan, the Commission has clarified the modus operandi for the achievement of the three main objectives that compose it.

  1. Expand and strengthen the bio-sectors, through the creation of a thematic investment platform dedicated to the circular bio-economy and with a budget of 100 million Euros, which allows to approach the bio-innovations to the market and reduce the risk of private enterprise investing in sustainable solutions. Furthermore, according to the Commission, it is necessary to facilitate the development of sustainable biorefineries throughout Europe.
  2. rapidly introduce bio-economies across Europe, and exploit the great potential in terms of biomass and under-utilized waste, through:
  • the definition of a strategic program for the introduction of sustainable food and agricultural systems, forestry and bio-products;
  • the establishment of an EU support mechanism for Member States' bio-economy programs and policies;
  • the launch of pilot actions for the development of bio-economies in rural, coastal and urban areas.
  1. Protect the ecosystem and understanding the ecological limitations of the bio-economy by responding to the great challenges of the future such as, for example, population growth, climate change and soil degradation, for which the Commission considers necessary:
    • To introduce a monitoring system at Union level to monitor progress towards a circular and sustainable bio-economy;
    • To increase the knowledge base related to specific sectors of the bio-economy and improve their understanding through data collection and their dissemination by a bio-economy knowledge centre;
    • To provide guidance and promote good practices to operate in the bio-economy within sustainable ecological limits.