The attitude to export is now measurable with "My export attitude" by Sace Simest

My export attitude

The choice to internationalize by opening up to foreign markets is an important step for the growth of companies. According to 2018-2019 data from ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, 60% of Italian SMEs with less than 10 employees and 80% of those up to 50 employees they have taken on the objective of increasing the turnover and the size of the company while competing with companies active on a global scale, thus overcoming protectionist barriers. Despite the benefits, many companies do not make the leap because they lack an internationalization strategy or are unable to enter more countries, diversifying the target markets for their own exports.

Sace Simest, a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group that supports internationalization, has created "My export attitude", a simple free tool through which companies can test their propensity to export. With just a few clicks, users can get advice and learn about internationalization opportunities.

For further information and to use "My export attitude", click here

Internationalisation and export
Small and medium enterprises