Agribusiness and fashion, entrepreneurial mission in Japan for Italian SMEs


ICE the Italian Foreign Trade Agency organizes, in collaboration with Confindustria and under the aegis of the Ministry of Economic Development, an entrepreneurial mission for SMEs in Japan from 10 to 14 November 2019.

The objective of the entrepreneurial mission is to promote and increase the presence in Japan of excellent Made in Italy products from the high-end food industry (pasta, bread, sweets, olive oil, cured meats, cheeses, fish products, coffee) and women's total look fashion (clothing, shoes, jewellery, leather goods, sunglasses). The mission is part of the broader context of trade relations between Europe and Japan, which have recently received new impetus thanks to the entry into force of the Commercial Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan.

The entry into force of the Agreement, which took place last February 1, 2019, will allow the abolition of most of the duties applied to European goods going to Japan to date. Thanks to the Agreement, over 46 high quality Italian products with geographical indication are recognized by Japan and protected against counterfeiting. According to estimates published by the European Commission, the increase in trade resulting from this opening could approach the value of 36 billion euros a year.

The provisional program of the mission includes a series of meetings, promotional events and visits to local businesses in Tokyo (10-12 November) and Osaka (12-14 November). Since the working language is Japanese, the presence of Italian-Japanese interpreters will be guaranteed both during the exhibition and during the visits.

The mission is addressed to Italian companies not yet present on the Japanese market in order for them to explore new business opportunities, but also to Italian companies that already export to Japan, to strengthen their presence and further expand their range of action. For more information, click here

Internationalisation and export