Agreement between the General Accounting of the State and Unioncamere in order to assist the enterprises in the PNRR tenders


A pact has been reached between Unioncamere and the General Accounting of the State in order to promote the contents of the PNRR and to assist the enterprises in the paths that lead to the use of the resources available. With a Memorandum of Understanding the General Accounting and Unioncamere have made a collaboration for the implementation of the PNRR that will have particular regard for measures involving the business world and will be based on a series of actions to aid companies to participate in the notices and the measures of the Plan, through information, communication, promotion and guidance activities.

The agreement previews also initiatives of presentation of the contents and the opportunities of the PNRR and its modalities of performance, monitoring, reporting and control, and activities to encourage the orientation and support to companies in the preparatory stages of applications, the enactment of the calls and the procedures to benefit from them. In addition, the sharing of data, the implementation of joint analyses and actions to facilitate the interoperability of information systems and the processing and sharing of statistical analysis are planned.