News - 6

lavoro, immagine simbolo

Unioncamere Survey, planned recruitments are growing in Sardinia

There are 318.000 hirings planned by Italian companies in February, 1.023.000 the forecast between February and April. Numbers slightly down from the beginning of the year but growing compared to the same period of 2021. In Sardinia, 7.450 employees are scheduled by companies in February (+2.160 compared to February 2021) [...]
alcuni piatti tipici della cucina sarda di mare

Catering, a 100 million euros injection for local businesses

An injection of 100 million euros arrives to get the catering companies back on their feet. The European Commission has approved an Italian 100 million euros scheme to support catering services in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Under the scheme, the aid will take the form of direct grants [...]
alcuni piatti tipici della cucina sarda di mare

Catering, a 100 million euros injection for local businesses

An injection of 100 million euros arrives to get the catering companies back on their feet. The European Commission has approved an Italian 100 million euros scheme to support catering services in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Under the scheme, the aid will take the form of direct grants [...]
Unione europea

EU, the platform for the valorisation of knowledge is born

The European Commission has launched the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform, a digital space providing an interactive forum to stimulate cross-border cooperation and improve the wide circulation of research results in society and the economy. 'The platform will enable the sharing of best practices, knowledge and skills, thereby improving policies and [...]
Unione europea

EU, the platform for the valorisation of knowledge is born

The European Commission has launched the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform, a digital space providing an interactive forum to stimulate cross-border cooperation and improve the wide circulation of research results in society and the economy. 'The platform will enable the sharing of best practices, knowledge and skills, thereby improving policies and [...]
Smart working

Smart working, the EU commission consults with the social partners

The EU Commission has launched the first phase of the consultation of the European social partners on how to improve the working conditions of people working through digital work platforms. Platform work is developing rapidly in the EU in an increasing number of business sectors. It can offer more flexibility [...]
Smart working

Smart working, the EU commission consults with the social partners

The EU Commission has launched the first phase of the consultation of the European social partners on how to improve the working conditions of people working through digital work platforms. Platform work is developing rapidly in the EU in an increasing number of business sectors. It can offer more flexibility [...]