News - 19

innovazione, immagine simbolica

Innovation, the health crisis slows down the race

Istat records a decrease of 5% in the three-year period 2018-2020 compared to the previous one The health crisis has slowed down the innovation race of Italian companies. This is certified by the data of a study published by Istat, according to which in the three-year period 2018-2020 50.9% of [...]
la bandiera europea

""Women TechEU", from Europe new measures in support of female entrepreneurship

The European Commission has launched "Women TechEU", a support measure aimed at supporting 50 women-led start-ups through mentoring and mentoring to accompany female entrepreneurs on a path of training and business development. The first call for proposals will be launched in June 2021 with the support of the European Innovation [...]
la bandiera europea

""Women TechEU", from Europe new measures in support of female entrepreneurship

The European Commission has launched "Women TechEU", a support measure aimed at supporting 50 women-led start-ups through mentoring and mentoring to accompany female entrepreneurs on a path of training and business development. The first call for proposals will be launched in June 2021 with the support of the European Innovation [...]

University, Innovation and companies, the best start-ups are Sardinian

The project event of the the "University, Innovation and Businesses" initiative took place last November 11th in Rome, at the headquarters of LVentures; the event is organized by Intesa San Paolo and the universities of Cagliari, Sassari, Catania, Palermo and Viterbo . The event is the culminating point of an [...]

Semidas, from industrial chemistry to craft beer

Innovation does not consist only in the invention of a completely new product or process, but can also be represented by the radical transformation of a mature and consolidated production process through techniques developed in other contexts. For example, the world of beer production in recent decades has introduced incredible [...]