The limited Partnership

If your choice falls on a limited partnership, you and your associates will have the opportunity to decide who among you wishes to take care of company management and who instead wishes to be a partner without assuming the risks and the liability of business decisions.

In a limited partnership, partners are divided into limited partners and unlimited partners: this means that only the unlimited partners can make decisions concerning the activity of the company.

Furthermore, all unlimited members have unlimited joint and several liability while the limited partners participate onlyeconomically by providing the company with funds.

E.g.: a limited partnership includes two partners: Yellow and Blue. Yellow has a 500 euro share and is an unlimited partner; Blue has a 300 euro share and is a limited partner. If the company has debts amounting to 10,000 euros, Blue may be required to pay only 300 euros of the debt.

Just as for an snc company, a written company charter is needed.

For further information on the functioning of limited partnerships, please refer to the link, where detailed information on Article 2313 of the Italian Civil Code is provided.


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