Who can finance your safety?

In order to adapt your business to the standards signed by the Single Text for Security, and therefore by  Legislative Decree 81/2008, the company must bear, to a degree, substantial costs; to support those who are not in the financial or liquidity conditions necessary to meet these costs, there are some ways to reduce the financial burden on these companies.

First of all we must mention Inail, a body that finances capital expenditure on projects to improve health and safety in the workplace and also rewards virtuous companies, by providing economic incentives to enterprises through instruments such as: the reduction of the premium rate (which the company pays annually) and the financing of specific business projects (relating to structural improvements, plant and machinery and equipment, as well as the adoption of health and safety management systems).

As regards the premium rate, there are two possibilities:

  1. in the first two years of activity of your company you can apply for the reduction of 15% by demonstrating your contribution, insurance regularity and compliance with the rules of health and safety at work;
  2. after the first two years of activity, you can request a further reduction, demonstrating that you meet the requirements described in point 1, and that you have also made improvements towards prevention, during the calendar year preceding the demand.

Recently, the INAIL has published the application form for the reduction of the average rate of tariff for prevention for the year 2021, relating to the improvements adopted by companies during 2020. In the new model, the interventions for which reduction can be requested are reorganised into the following categories:

  • prevention of fatal accidents (non-road related);
  • prevention of road risk;
  • prevention of occupational diseases;
  • training and information;
  • organisational measures for health and safety management;
  • emergency and ppe management.

In addition to this, there are the notices that the INAIL promotes from time to time, giving it adequate notice, through which are financed to 50% a series of interventions considered particularly effective in ensuring high safety standards over time, both technically and organisationally.

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to join one of the many "Interbranch Funds for continuing training" without any additional costs and free of charge financial resources to be used exclusively for training.

These Funds, set up at national level thanks to agreements concluded by the social partners, benefit from an agreement with the INPS through which they acquire financial resources to be allocated to the continuing training of workers in the companies participating in each Fund.

It is, therefore, an important opportunity that you could take to finance training within your company both in health and safety at work and in other thematic areas.

For further details, please consult the website of the Funds currently in operation.

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