Export South, the food industry flies to Budapest


From 4 to 6 February, agri-food companies in the South will fly to Budapest to take part in Sirha, a biennial fair also dedicated to the confectionery, bakery and hotel and catering industries. The entrepreneurs will be accompanied by the ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, within the framework of the South Export plan in support of the enterprises of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily, Abruzzo, Molise and Sardinia.

In 2018 Hungary imported agri-food products from Italy for 322 million euros, an increase of 19% compared to 2017. Last year 300 exhibitors participated in the fair, out of which 85 were foreign. The venue is 20 thousand square meters and 21.500 visitors from the sector are expected.

To participate, the online form must be filled. Once the registration is completed, the ICE will send a confirmation email with the completed participation form attached. The form must be printed, signed, stamped and sent back by November 27 to the certified email agroindustria@cert.ice.it.

For further information click here

Internationalisation and export