GNL and maritime transport, Sardinia, a hub of primary importance in the Mediterranean

Assessora Maria Grazia Piras a seminario su Gnl e trasporti marittimi

"Putting the whole Sardinian industrial system at the center of development, which is important not only for the island but for the entire national system: this is what we have done in these years of regional government with our energy policies, approving the Environmental Energy Plan and focusing on a new model that included methanisation, efficiency, smart grids, renewable and electric mobility" said Minister for Industry, Maria Grazia Piras, in her speech at the seminar on " GNL and maritime transport", organized last week by the ministry, at the Lazzaretto of Cagliari. The event was promoted with the aim of deepening the numerous issues currently to the attention of the partner Regions of some EU projects, Sardinia, Corsica, Tuscany and Liguria.


"Without concrete intervention on energy costs - Piras has specified - there cannot be industrial development and, consequently, the occupation of the sector cannot grow. And methane, as a transitional source of energy, is the only answer we can give to the growth demand that comes from the business world, to which we have also given wide support by implementing every possible financial and legislative instrument we had at hand".


According to the exponent of the Pigliaru cabinet, "the actions initiated on GNL and maritime transport have been conceived precisely in the context of a partnership involving six different regions of Italy and France. Regions that work together to solve a common problem by adopting shared solutions. The GNL is playing a key role in the evolution of maritime transport. And Sardinia, by virtue of its strategic position, aspires to become a hub of primary importance in the Mediterranean ".
