Sardinia’s ICT sector pushes exports

Regional Ministry of Industry Maria Grazia Piras

The exportations of Sardinia in 2017 marked a substantial + 28%. The merit is above all of the excellent performance of the ICT sector. Numerous start-ups and island-based companies have successfully participated in the international missions organized by the Regional Ministry of Industry, obtaining positive feedback and opening up new market channels. The most recent case is that of Cube Controls, a young and innovative start up based in Sassari, born in 2016 from the intuition of ​​two young fans of electronics and driving simulation devices. After participating in Las Vegas in January, the small company has considerably increased its turnover and exports today to Canada, the United States, Japan, France, Germany and England.

The Minister for Industry, Maria Grazia Piras, recently visited Cube Controls laboratories as part of a series of meetings scheduled to verify the results obtained by the companies involved in the three-year Regional Program for Internationalization. "ICT in Sardinia boasts important and forefront realities, in Italy and in Europe - says the minister - we must support and accompany in the foreign markets even the newborn start-ups and stimulate the birth of other companies, leveraging on the passion and the intuitions of young entrepreneurs ". According to Piras, "the results of Cube Controls confirm that the road is right, we are making important efforts to help new companies to face foreign markets". Institutional missions, thematic forums, tenders for single and associated companies, training courses for export managers. "Today, financial and legislative instruments allow young people with creative impetus to dare and transform their interests and projects into business activities", continues President Pigliaru. "Self-employment is one of the responses to unemployment - he concludes - we are pushing for the measures put in place by the Region, Ministry of Economic Development and Invitalia to have positive and lasting effects".

The next commitment will be aimed at promoting Sardinian companies in the British market. The Minister, in collaboration with ICE, the Agency for foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, has scheduled a Boot Camp in London from 23 to 28 September.

Startups and innovative companies