Italy-China, a bridge thanks to the "Week of science, technology and innovation"


To Strengthen the relations between Sardinia and China in order to offer more growth opportunities for Sardinian companies on the Chinese market. This will be the spirit of the Cagliari event of the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation, the largest European event on internationalization between the two countries. The event will take place in three stages. The first two days, 22nd and 23rd October, it will be held in Naples, with the China-Italy innovation forum and the Sino-Italian exchange event. The date in Rome is scheduled for the 24th while the last appointment will take place in Cagliari on the 25th of October. During the local phase in Sardinia a territorial Focus on the new frontiers of ICT, Physics and Astrophysics is planned to take place. The news of this event was diffused by Regional minister for economic planning Raffaele Paci, who will take care of the event on behalf of the Region.

“This is an important opportunity to strengthen and expand the already solid relations between Sardinia and China - says Paci. It’s an opportunity for our companies to check new opportunities for growth on the Chinese markets and for public entities to establish strategic growth relationships in sectors that we consider fundamental for our development”. The initiative is promoted within the policies for innovation and internationalization that the regional government is carrying out also through Sinnova, the Innovation Exhibition, which will take place on October 11 and 12.

Companies and all public and private entities (research centers, universities, national technological clusters, companies and start-ups, innovative districts, science and technology parks , trade associations) can participate to the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation. In The requirements for participation are: to have an office in Italy, to be active in product and process innovation or in scientific and technological research and to have an interest in dealing with potential customers or partners coming from the People's Republic of China. Participation to the event is free of charge. Those wishing to take part in one-to-one meetings must register until September 20, 2018, while the application process to participate in the event is open until the 10 of October.

Research and innovation
Internationalisation and export