Energy, export, business support and sustainability: the "anti-crisis" recipe of Regional Councillor Maria Grazia Piras

Energy, export, business support and sustainability: the "anti-crisis" recipe of Regional Councillor Maria Grazia Piras

«Sardinia must focus on the sustainability of economic development and on the implementation of structural measures that favour reduced energy costs for companies, methanisation, support for businesses, incentives for exports, especially for ICT and agribusiness companies, and the planning of the Sardinian energy system, with a strong impulse for renewables, electric mobility and energy efficiency». The Regional Councillor for Industry, Maria Grazia Piras, draws the line. It does so during the debate in the Regional Council dedicated to the industrial situation in Sardinia.

Less than a year at the end of the mandate, the Councillor tells the Sardinian parliament which are the great guidelines on which the regional government has moved to «pursue the two main objectives we set ourselves in 2014, i.e. on the one hand to save companies in crisis and maintain active the basic industries established in the 1970s, whose destinies involve thousands of workers, and on the other hand to outline a series of projects that have the sustainability at the base of the development of the island», as she explains.

According to Maria Grazia Piras, the effort made is part of a well-defined overall horizon. «We have our vision of industrial development of Sardinia and we are carrying it forward – she says – to give substance to the projects developed in the last few years to support the economic recovery of the island». Of course, as the Councillor for Industry of the executive led by the President Francesco Pigliaru admits, the moment is not one of the happiest. But the light begins to glimpse. «Four years ago, we found ourselves in a situation of dramatic crisis – she recalls – we hoped it would not last long, instead we registered an inversion of trend only last year and today we see the first positive results and the signals of a real recovery».

The Councillor claims with determination the results achieved, which shows clearly the road along which the island must continue. «We solved important structural problems, ranging from the energy costs to the methanisation plan, from the calls for companies to the internationalisation plan, up to the revision of the Energy plan, strongly oriented to the sustainability of the system identified for the economic development of Sardinia». According to Maria Grazia Piras «these are fundamental actions to accompany the economic recovery and to permanently guarantee the revival of production activities and employment».

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