Loans to SMEs: the Nuova Sabatini starts again

Nuova Sabatini

The Ministry of Economic Development has reactivated the submission of applications for "Nuova Sabatini". The “Nuova Sabatini” is a facilitating instrument aimed at supporting the companies that request five-year bank loans for the purchase of machinery, plants and equipment. The new financial resources allocated by the Budget Law 2017 sum up to € 560 million and will continue to facilitate small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to invest in capital goods.

The great success of the instrument facilitating the Italian business system has led to a two-year extension (until December 31, 2018) and the possibility of receiving a contribution for the realization of investments in digital technologies, including investments in big data, cloud computing , ultra-broadband, cybersecurity, advanced robotics and mechatronics, augmented reality, 4D manufacturing and radio frequency identification.

The objective set by the Ministry is to stimulate digital manufacturing and increase innovation and efficiency of the business world also through process and product innovation. The Ministry informs that the deadlines for the submission of applications for investments in digital technologies and waste tracking and weighing systems will soon be opened.

For further information visit the dedicated MISE page.


Support for Businesses
Small and medium enterprises