Business competitiveness, a one million euros tender within the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework

immagine simbolica concorso di idee

Proposals to build collaborations between education and training bodies, companies and other interested parties, aimed at increasing entrepreneurial skills, can be presented until 5 pm on 22 August.

The initiative is part of the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, of the Business Competitiveness Program. The resources sum up to one million euros and the maximum funding per project is 500 thousand euros.

Applications may be submitted by consortia consisting of at least six legal entities from three different EU Member States or countries participating in the COSME program. For each country a public authority and a business or employment support organization must be involved.

Authorities and public administrations, chambers of commerce, business associations and business support organizations, trade unions, training and education institutions can participate, but also NGOs, non-profit organizations, associations and foundations, other public and private bodies specialized in education, training or employment.

The call is available at this link; for more information, check the web page

Support for Businesses