European design and 'Project cycle management', a workshop in Cagliari

Assemblea Confindustria

We will talk about European planning and 'Project cycle management' during the workshop scheduled for Wednesday 3 July, in Cagliari, in Via Roma 173 from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.

The initiative, promoted by the Regional immigration emigration committee (Crei Acli Sardegna), in collaboration with the ACLI of Cagliari, Ipsia Sardegna and Asd Blue Sardinia, was designed to provide information on the management of European projects and on the possibility of collaboration between the subjects involved, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the interventions.

In fact, most of the programs funded in recent years by the European Commission, or promoted at the level of individual Member States, envisage forms of integration between the partnership actions. Specifically, these are projects composed of actions of a different nature conceived and carried out by a group of different bodies and subjects. In this sense, the Project cycle management, a tool introduced in the nineties by the Commission, has become increasingly important in terms of design and execution of interventions.

During the meeting the way in which the ' PCM ' articulates the different phases of a project will be explained, drawing a cyclical path, which allows to subject the intervention to a continuous verification, from its first formulation, focusing on important aspects such as relevance, internal consistency and sustainability.

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