Innovative SMEs and start-ups, the Italy-Argentina Forum starts

Missione imprenditoriale

ICE, the Italian Agency for Foreign Trade organizes with the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires and the collaboration of the Argentine Ministry of Manufacturing, the "Italy-Argentina Bilateral Economic Forum for the SMEs and innovative start-ups ", scheduled in Buenos Aires on June 13th and 14th.

Argentina is an important emerging market for Italian companies, both in terms of commercial possibilities and "cross-cutting" activities: technology transfer, know-how, joint venture creation and other forms of entrepreneurial matching. The Argentine authorities will present the system of incentives and programs in which Italian companies can participate.

During the two days, there will be an information session on opportunities for Italian companies and one of bilateral meetings and company visits. The Forum will focus in particular on mechanics, in particular components and assembly, agricultural machinery, with over 850 companies active in Argentina, agro-industry, which represents 30% of the Argentine GDP , renewable energies, especially biogas and biofuels, innovative start-ups, such as creative industry, industrial robotics, fintech, clusters and technological centers, from agro-industry to agricultural mechanics, from software to leather, and audio-visuals.

Internationalisation and export
Small and medium enterprises
Startups and innovative companies