Methane, Sardinia accelerates to catch up with Europe

Incontro Pigliaru, Piras e sindacalisti per metano

Sardinia is the only region in Italy and among the very few in Europe to have no natural gas network. The absence of methane distribution represents an infrastructural disadvantage for the island, which can be quantified at a cost of 500 million euros per year for households and businesses. The Region is evaluating a series of strategies and carrying out a project to bring methane to Sardinia: from the north-south network to the construction of coastal deposits, until the completion of the basins, the construction of which causes strong occupational effects.

The Regional administration, has recently hosted a debate between the President, Francesco Pigliaru, the Minister for Industry, Maria Grazia Piras, and the Confederal trade unions of Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl. As emerged from the meeting convened define the current situation, "the transition to methane on the island is important to try to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030". But, according to the Regional government, it could also "ensure savings in the bills of the Sardinians and businesses, as well as bringing benefits in terms of security and stability of the island's energy system". In the meantime, the Regional government assures that "is putting in place policies for the development of energy efficiency, electric mobility, smart grids and the production and accumulation of renewable energy".
