The Regional Council allocates 5 million euros to foster synergy between companies, research centres and Sardinian universities

The Regional Council allocates 5 million euros to foster synergy between companies, research centres and Sardinian universities

To foster connection and synergies between companies, research centres and Universities: this is the objective on which the Regional Council invests the 5 million euros as provided for by Law 7, continuing along the path shared with the Committee for scientific research and innovation, in a single framework which also foresees the 30 million euros of the Regional Fund for Development and cohesion (“Fondo regionale per lo sviluppo e la coesione”, FSC) included in the Pact for Sardinia and the EU resources available under the ERDF. The Committee was created to support the Region in the identification of the main research and training needs and the tools to implement them. Representatives of the Sardinian Universities, Sardegna Ricerche, INFN, the trade unions, Fondazione di Sardegna, public and private research bodies, Confindustria, the Agris Agency and the “Brotzu” Health Centre are all members of the Committee.

Half million is allocated for the mobility towards international groups of young Sardinian researchers; the same amount is allocated to the “Visiting Scientist programme”, which will allow scientists from all over the world to come to Sardinia, while 400 thousand euros will be allocated rewarding young researches. This bundle of measures aimed at internationalisation, foresees the involvement of the Universities of Sassari and Cagliari and of the research community.

The collaborative projects of Universities and CNR will receive 750 thousand euros, while 950 thousand will be invested for the upgrading of the “Crs4” computing infrastructure. Half a million is allocated to strategic research projects in agriculture, 100 thousand to the “Sardinia Digital Innovation Hub”, 900 thousand euros to the “Regional Scientific Library” and 400 thousand euros for Sinnova, the regional showroom of innovation and for the management of research calls.

«It is a further step forward in the implementation of the Pact for Sardinia» says the President of the Region, Francesco Pigliaru. «Every day the Pact demonstrates its concreteness, giving targeted answers to the needs of the island - he continues - investment in research is strategic for development because it empowers the academic and entrepreneurial system, making our young people, grow, and therefore our future». With the 2018 Planning «we promote technological innovation, which fosters the competitiveness of enterprises, makes them grow and enables them to create new jobs and development» says the Regional Councillor for Planning, Raffaele Paci. «We are continuing the path begun in the last few years - he concludes - ensuring complementarity and synergy with other sources of funding in the field of scientific research and technological innovation in the Region».

Research and innovation