Sardinian food products conquer London

Sardinian food products conquer London

The Regional Government of Sardinia and a selection of Sardinian companies took part in a very successful business mission at the Real Italian Wine and Food, an event organized by ICE. The event was included in the Regional Programme by the Ministry of Industry.

The observers and experts who took part in the event in the Westminster Church House praised the exposition of the 27 companies, that were accompanied by President Francesco Pigliaru and Minister for Industry Maria Grazia Piras.

The event was an important opportunity for the Sardinian companies to present themselves to the foreign markets and in particular to the British operators, which are always interested in the quality of Italian agri-food products. Entrepreneurs were able to meet local importers and start negotiations to introduce Sardinian products in London. The wines were particularly appreciated. Dozens of technicians and British wine experts tasted a selection of the best wine cellars of the island in a Masterclass, including Vermentino, Cannonau, Carignano and Monica.

"Accessing the foreign markets is difficult, but it is essential for us," says President of the Region, Francesco Pigliaru. "We have a high quality agri-food sector, we cannot sell it only in Sardinia. The major global markets are very interested in our excellences and we must know exactly what to do to benefit from it," he adds. "Very small businesses find it difficult to make themselves known and to seize the opportunities, we work to unite, to push them towards network creation - continues - if we confront ourselves, all together, with importers and those who have been successful, we can improve the scenario, and there will be more companies able to open up the market for themselves and for those who will come after. " As for the meetings around the world, "we thought of a real awareness campaign - says the President - we will close it with an event in Sardinia, during which we will reunite all those who have been here in London, in Singapore, in Los Angeles and in Berlin. We will take a pause to reflect together, to understand which will be our next steps. " Because "there are no magic wands - concludes Pigliaru - but there is a path we need to walk together."

For the Industry Minister, Maria Grazia Piras, “We are investing ideas, projects, and resources to develop the exports of Sardinian companies, starting from the food sector. Our products are not afraid of competition in terms of quality and authenticity, so there is every reason to win this challenge. " According to Maria Grazia Piras, “the London experience shows that we can do it. Business owners can reap the benefits of the work done these days in the British capital, but we need to focus a lot on training. " However, in order to succeed, "companies must be ready, they have to know deeply the foreign markets and they need to be accompanied by advisors and qualified professionals - insists the Minister- this applies especially for businesses that do not have an export manager. Our department offers them an opportunity by replicating the experience of the Export Lab, providing new calls for the joint partnerships, building new calls for individual businesses and strengthening the institutional missions to take Sardinia’s excellences around the world. "

Internationalisation and export