Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Invitation for Bids BMZ

Invitation for Bids

BMZ No. 2007 65 503. Health Programme. Reproductive Health / Improvement of Mother and Child Care. HPRPC/ICB/14/01, Supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning, training and maintenance of Medical and

Laboratory equipment for pediatric hospitals.

 1. The Republic of Uzbekistan has received a Credit and a Grant from the KfW Entwicklungsbank (hereinafter called “the KfW”) toward the cost of the KfW Health Programme. Reproductive Health / Improvement of Mother and Child Care, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the contract for supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning, training and maintenance of Medical and Laboratory equipment for pediatric hospitals.

 2. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan represented by the Republican State Foreign Economical Enterprise

(RSFEE) ‘Uzmedexport’ now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Medical and Laboratory equipment for pediatric hospitals.

The Scope of Supply of this bidding is listed below:




Name of Goods or Related Services




Treatment & diagnostic Equipment


Oxygen & Anesthetic machines


Surgery lamps, tables and coagulators


Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Equipment


Artificial Heart Lung Machine


Operational Microscopes and ophthalmologic Equipment


Surgery instruments


Radiology & Ultrasound Equipment


Laboratory Equipment


Physiotherapy Equipment


Sterilization, Laundry and Morgue Equipment


Radiology Training Equipment


Bid for a particular Lot must contain all items of the Lot. Bidders are allowed to bid for one or any combination of lots.

3. International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with Single Stage: Two Envelopes procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries.


4.  Interested  eligible  Bidders  may  obtain  further  information  from the RSFEE  ‘Uzmedexport’  and  inspect the  Bidding

Document at the address given below, during business hours from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM. 

5. The Bidding Document, in the English language, may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Euro 100.00 or in an equivalent amount in a local currency. The method of payment will be direct deposit to the following accounts of the RSFEE ‘Uzmedexport’:

Euro account No.: 20210978300600118006

at Uz. KDB Bank, 32 Oybek Str., Republic of Uzbekistan


Cor. Bank: Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank AG, Munich, Acc. 68 124 271, SWIFT: HYVEDEMM

Uzbek Soum account No.: 20210000200600118001

at Uz. KDB Bank, 32 Oybek Str., Republic of Uzbekistan

MFO: 00842, INN: 200523284, OKONH: 84200

The document will be given to the representative of the Bidder upon submission of copy of the payment document and power of attorney or sent by e-mail to the e-mail address specified in the Bidder’s application. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.

6. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 03:00 PM on 2.10. 2015. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid

Security of 2% of Bid price.

Late bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 03:15

PM on 2.10. 2015 at: 

12, Navoi Str. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Big Conference-room

Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

7. The RSFEE ‘Uzmedexport’ will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of Bids.

8. In the comparison of Bids, Domestic Preference Scheme will be applied in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the

Instructions to Bidders.

The address referred above is: 

Republican State Foreign Economical Enterprise (RSFEE) ‘Uzmedexport’ Mr. B. Salikhov

32-b, M. Ulugbek str., Tashkent, 100077 Republic of Uzbekistan Tel.: (+998 71) 268 25 44. Fax: (+998 71) 268 36 01