European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development).

The Sardinian Rural Development Fund (RDF) 2014/2020 is the main funding instrument for agricultural, agro-industry and forestry sector on the island.

The programme is divided into six general Priorities:

  1. Promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation in the agricultural andforestry sector and in rural areas (horizontal priority);
  2. Boost the competitiveness of agriculture in all its forms and increase the income of farms;
  3. Promote the organisation of the agri-food sector and improve risk management in the agricultural sector;
  4. Preserve, restore and enhance ecosystems connected to agriculture and forests;
  5. Incentivise an efficient use of resources and support the shift towards a low-carbon, climate change-resilient economy in the agri-food and forestry sector;
  6. Strive to achieve social inclusion, reduce poverty and foster economic development in rural areas.


The RDF of Sardinia has funding amounting to €1,308,406,250 for the 2014-2020 period.